Media Camp: August 15-17 (Thurs-Fri-Sat) Target Grades 5+
Spencer Clem and I (Jason Chollar) are still developing this new experience, but you won’t want to miss it! Q: What topics will we cover at Media Camp? A: Great Question! We are still in the process of full development, but Spencer Clem […]
Urgent update … we have shifted the second worship camp and added a Media Camp! Register Online Now!
Also, print and fill out our Release Form: 2013 Release Form
Click here to Register online today! Worship Camp week 1: June 17-21 Target Grades 5+ Media […]
One of the best ways I have found over the years to help to unify the generations is to find good solid modern band arrangements for the classic hymns. When I first started, I used my music theory training to analyze the hymns in our hymnal and then made my own chord charts with […]
Dates and key info have changed … please visit our new page for the latest details:
In many churches, I know, we are lucky to even be able to even get ONE qualified person to run sound for each service without wearing them out. I want to start out by thanking the many sound engineers, including Rob and Bill at our church, who work so tirelessly and often so thanklessly […]
Last night at worship practice, we were talking about the different ways that God talks to us and if how, if we truly love him, we will want to get to know him better and want to know more about him and that reading the scriptures is one of the very […]
Click at here to download the .pdf handout:
How do we attract, develop, and keep your worship team members – NW Ministry Session
How do we Attract, Develop, and Keep a worship team?
Discipling in Worship Ministry
Attract… (Crowd 5000/120/70)
Make your onramp longer! Add farming […]
More Vision Night questions, …. more “practical” stuff ….
How can I as a leader server you better? How can we as servants, serve one another better? If we really want to offer our best to God and his people … what kinds of things can we do to inspire us? Should we go […]
A good friend of mine is going to have a “Vision Night” with his worship team. A time to get together and enjoy a meal and pray and discuss what God might want them to do as a worship team in this next season … He asked what questions I might put out there […]
One of the most basic definitions of music is that it is organized sound. When you take random noises and organize them into some kind of discernable pattern, you have music. If those sounds are made by a human voice and have meaning, you have human speech. The two are closely related.
And in […]
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