On day 4, we started right in assuming our final band positions and reviewed the first two songs we are going to play on Friday evening, and after a short break worked on the next 2 songs.  Then Mama Alfieri was kind enough to bring us pizza and pop for lunch! We had some good one on one mentoring time while some of us finished up the sound mixer challenge.  Then we discussed Jesus as our servant-king and the story of Jesus washing his disciples’ feet from John 13.  Then we went

and put the campers to work cleaning the building and they did it with great attitudes and I have the pictures and video to prove it! 🙂 Then we did one more run through of the songs we have learned so far.

Don’t forget, tomorrow the schedule is 9-12 and then we’ll ask the performers to arrive around 6:00 so we can get ourselves ready and have our final huddle at 6:30 and then we’ll take the stage and start at 7:00 and be done by 8:00.   If you want to bring some kind of snack or dessert to share afterwards, we’ll have a table set up for you.

One more day to go!


We finally got all the pictures from yesterday and today here:



Our Day 3 and 4 notes are available here:

worship camp level1 day3and4_20120712


Invite everyone you want to the final concert tomorrow!



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