Philippians Challenge
Last night at worship practice, we were talking about the different ways that God talks to us and if how, if we truly love him, we will want to get to know him better and want to know more about him and that reading the scriptures is one of the very best ways to do that. There is a war going on, however, for our hearts and souls, for our attention and affections. Satan does not want us to read scripture or hear from God. So what do we do about that? Well, one of the ways to deal with that is to work together with God and with one another to pray for each other and hold each other accountable. So, with God’s help, we are trying to focus on studying Philippians together this week.
Why don’t you join us!
How? Read/study Philippians and let us know you are doing it, either in a comment here on the website or on facebook. Tell us what you did and how you did it and even possibly, what God is revealing to you as you do.
Today, I went to and read it in one of my favorite translations: the New Living Translation. It took me all of 7 minutes, and that was while dogs and kids were in the room making noises.
Did you read Philippians today?
What struggles did you face to actually do it?
How did you decide to do it today?
What did God show you?
Let us know so we can be praying for and encouraging each other!
I love you all!
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