
What a great fourth day!  It was raining outside, but we sure had a lot of fun inside.  We started off right away on the instruments and then chose our spots for the final concert.  Then we 

talked about some of the most important truths that Satan is trying to keep from us and that God wants us to  know.  We learned the Sh’ma prayer from Deuteronomy 6:4-5 and went over the Gospel from John 3:16.  Then we reviewed that God is Creator, Spirit, Warrior and added that Jesus revealed himself as a servant and wants us to follow His example… so we did our part to apply it by cleaning the whole worship center including cleaning and restocking the bathrooms, sweeping, mopping, windows, … (I’m sure they’d be happy to do your house too!)  With great attitudes all around, it was a lot of fun.

After the cleaning was done, we went off to lunch and then did a review of all we have learned so far and then jumped back on the instruments and played through all the songs including the two new ones for the day: “Forever” and “I could sing of your love forever” and we did every song in multiple keys to see which worked better for the singers.

If you want to see our notes for the day, click here:
2013 June 20 Worship Camp Day 4 Notes

We’ll work on adding pictures as we can to our facebook album:

Don’t forget that tomorrow we are on a modified schedule 9-12. (you can bring a sack lunch and eat here if you like, or you can just head home at noon, up to you) Then we’ll send everyone home to practice and get ready to come back at 6:45 and we’ll start at 7!

If you want to practice, here is a link to download a .pdf with all the chordcharts and position assignments:

2013 June Worship Camp Chord Charts and Assignments

Don’t forget to invite your friends and family!




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