July 30th Worship Camp Report
Today at worship camp, despite a few that weren’t able to come because of sickness, we had over 20 campers and a handful of helpers, our biggest camp yet! We started by getting our paperwork in and getting to know each other just a little bit. Then we went right off to class and learned “The History of the World!” After a good class session we all went to our instruments and for those who hadn’t experienced it yet, we made sure every person got to try every position. From sound engineer to singing, from drums to keys, we made sure everyone got a chance to try out everything. After a great lunch break it was back to class with a session on the fundamentals of music. Then it was back to the instruments, this time in two groups, one led by Aliya Kunz and Jon Vlach, the other led by Davis Crouch and Jason Chollar. We experimented with a variety of positions and had fun practicing our stuff. After another snack break we had our final recap session and our day was done!
Here are links to the media we collected today:
Pictures: http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.414696945243343.88872.107715789274795&type=1
Audio Recording: http://cedarhome.org/mp3/2012worshipcamp/level2/Come%20now%20is%20the%20time.mp3
Today’s Worksheets: http://cedarhome.org/mp3/2012worshipcamp/level2/July30-2012-worshipcampreport.pdf
I’m looking forward to another great day tomorrow! See you soon!
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