old-hymnsOne of the best ways I have found over the years to help to unify the generations is to find good solid modern band arrangements for the classic hymns.  When I first started, I used my music theory training to analyze the hymns in our hymnal and then made my own chord charts with simpler chord changes for a more modern sound.  Nowadays there are lots of great places for great hymn arrangements.

If you have a CCLI licence, you are welcome to the arrangements that I have at:


If you don’t already have a CCLI licence, you should get one!  And then you should also get a subscription to their Songselect service:


Other resources you should know about are:

www.transposr.com for transposing your chordcharts

www.praisecharts.com where you can buy great song arrangements, including hymns

www.cyberhymnal.org an online repository of the classic hymns with midi files so you can hear the traditional arrangment.

Some of my personal favorite newer hymn arrangements are listed below.  You can listen to the youtube playlist at:



“Come Thou Fount Of Every Blessing” arrangement by Kings Kaleidoscope:


“The Wonderful Cross”, new arrangement with new chorus of “When I survey …” by Chris Tomlin


“All Creatures of our God and King” Crowder version:


“Doxology” – I like to do this one traditional, just voices


“O God our help in Ages Past” Tommy Walker/Promise Keepers:


“A Mighty Fortress is Our God” Tommy Walker/Promise Keepers:


“I’d rather have Jesus” – Original:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xk9f8zhTwIg

-Country version by Alison Krauss: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=spmIRaZ0Ri0



Modern Hymn like songs

“Before the throne of God above”. Old words, new melody by Vikki Cook, lots of great versions, I like the Sonic Flood version:


“In Christ alone”  sounds like an ancient hymn, but actually from 2001.  here’s a cool owl city version:




Songs that don’t need much arranging:

Holy, Holy, Holy

Great is thy faithfulness

How great Thou art

Be thou my vision



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